Modern platforms are leading the biggest macroeconomic transformation since the industrial revolution. Value creation and customer loyalty are the central topics of companies.

At Suconi, the topic “platform” has been evaluated for over a year and established as a strategic project. In order to be able to offer growth, reliability, simplicity as well as flexibility in the services in the future, Suconi introduces several platforms within the company. The platforms provide the space and tools to deliver new services to our customers in a short time while delivering reliable services. We use this to create the ecosystem with customers, technology- and service partners in order to arrive at a completely new, customer-centered business approach.

Platform-based models require a fundamental change in the operational self-understanding of companies. Suconi is committed to this paradigm shift.

At its core, it is no longer about the sale of services, but the exchange of added value between providers and users. The number of interactions and the resulting network effects are the key source of sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

We also see the chance to interact with far more partners in the future than before. Implemented interfaces support interaction and enable the integration of multiple technology or service solutions. In addition to the electronic interfaces, apps and the implemented artificial intelligence (AI) support the simple and process-optimized operation as well as the smooth interaction.

The first platform will be established at Suconi’s field service in the field of technician deployment control, the second platform in the service desk area in call acceptance.

From the summer of 2019, look forward to the new opportunities with Suconi.